Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Planning: Location


We require a boxing ring as the location of our music video.

I contacted a Boxing Gym in Worcester regarding filming access to their indoor boxing ring.
The manager requested that we ring again closer to the time to discuss this, after the Christmas period.

Box Fitness Worcester: 01905 611 399

I contacted another Boxing Venue called Worcester City Amateur Boxing Club.
 07764 166279 

There are a few other locations that we require for filming. They are easy to access and do not require permission, however a Health and Safety check will be mandatory to ensure there will be no damage to ourselves or the equipment we need for filming.


# Boxing Ring.
# Spetchley Woods near college grounds- a brick wall covered in graffiti set behind a fence.
# Canalside, Worcester City.
# Bridge near Canalside, Worcester City.
# Classroom with a Green Screen (Our media room).

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